How can I place an order?

To place an order, add the products to your shopping cart and complete the checkout process on our website or through PayPal. If you want to proceed with the checkout on our website, click the green "Place Order" button located on the right side of the screen. If you prefer to use PayPal, click the PayPal button. You will be redirected to our customer information page, where you need to enter your email address, name, and address. If you have a valid discount code, you can enter it in the "Discount" field on the right side of the screen. Don’t forget to click the "Apply" button to calculate your discount and apply it to your order. Click the "Continue with Shipping Method" button to proceed. Make sure to enter the correct shipping address (if different from the billing address). Once everything is completed, click "Continue with Payment Method." You will need to enter your payment details. If applicable, you will have the option to indicate that your shipping and billing information are the same. Once the form is completed, click the "Place Order" button. You will be redirected to a screen that provides a summary of your order, an on-screen confirmation, and a second confirmation by email. If you encounter any issues during the checkout process, feel free to email us at service@guardeini.com to contact our customer service.

What should I do if items are missing or incorrect when I receive my order?

If any items are missing or incorrect, contact us at service@guardeini.com. Provide the transaction reference number (order number) and send us proof (the image file size should be less than 1 MB). We will be happy to resend the corrected items free of charge and we will not ask you to return the incorrect items you received. You can consider them as a gift from us.

How do I know if my order has been successfully shipped?

You will receive a confirmation email with your order number and purchase details.

What should I do if I want to change the items I ordered?

You can change your order before 11:00 PM Pacific Time (GMT-7) on the day you placed the order. Contact us at service@guardeini.com to request a change.

How do I add products to my shopping cart?

Go to the product page for the item you’re interested in and select your preferences for the item. When you click the "Add to Cart" button, you will be redirected to your "Shopping Cart" page. Enter the quantity of items you wish to order in the "Quantity" field next to the product image.